Power Struggle in Relationship is Childhood Struggle

Power Struggle in Relationship
            Power struggle in relationships are agitated childhood wounds. The partner mirrors unresolved inner child imbalances, low self worth and emotional pain. Without creative discovery the childhood struggle surfaces but only itches, scratches and bothers the person. Relationships are mirrors (teachers) and given to help us better love ourselves. The inner child is our most whole, authentic and accomplished self. We want to offer this version of ourselves to our lover but for many the inner child is atrophied in our life. Conflicts reveal our weakness in expressing our true natural. We are here to creatively discover NOT to destroy. Power struggle can be very destructive. It wears us down and eventually, the relationship dies. What really wants to die is the inner child shame, emotional pain and feelings of not being good enough.
Internal conflicts become power struggles in relationships. Partners are meant to awaken, activate and agitate our inner shame, emotional pain and feelings of not being good enough. In order to become our most authentic self we need to uncover the regressed shame, emotional pain and feelings of not being good enough for creative discovery. Once we levelup from shame, emotional pain and feelings of not being good enough intimate relationships are more about creative collaboration rather than power struggles. The inner child expressed in intimate relationship gives us authentic bonds, fulfilling intimacy and creative collaboration. However, the blocked, closed connection reveals the inner child wound. Basically, our inner child wants to be seen, heard and felt but the blockage to love more deeply and to be loved more deeply is an inner child conflict in giving and receiving our most creative version of self. It is most difficult to give and receive higher love when internally we haven’t accepted ourselves. When we don’t accept our true natural, inner child, we don’t know what we want or who we are. We bring in relationships that connect us to our inner child conflict because we are not accepting of our inner child, therefore, we are not accepting of creative discovery in a relationship.
Everyone wants creative discovery in a relationship because it gives us authentic bond, fulfilling intimacy and creative collaboration. People want prosperity, creativity and reciprocity, to experience their excellence in giving and taking love. People don’t want conflict, triggers and upsets but we experience them to learn the ways of our internal conflicts. We all have patterns associated with our inner child struggle. These patterns are very apparent in intimate relationship. The fight with another is a fight within ourselves. We want to express our true natural very much but are blocked, closed to our inner child because of the trauma, fear, shame that weakens our ability to express higher love.
Power struggles can be very challenging because they demand unconditional love for self and awareness of the inner child pain. It can be difficult to navigate unconditional love for self and inner child pain inside a relationship because the partner (mirror) will continue to reveal our shame, emotional pain and feelings of not being good enough UNTIL to step into the practice of self. Many people never step into the practice of self because the fear, anxiety and destructive pattern delays, procrastinates, basically, will do anything to NOT to experience the inner child pain. Without a practice of self there is no creative discovery in intimate relationship. Creative discovery is a practice of self both lover and beloved have. Practice of self brings creativity, self-psychology and movement meditation to balance, harmonize and resolve the inner child dilemma. The great inner child dilemma is neglecting the spirituality of the inner visionary. When people with inner child dilemma become malnourished, incomplete, dissatisfied and unfulfilled within self. Intimate relationship with higher love is for creative expansion but without spirituality of the inner child we have no intention, charisma or intuition to direct our purpose. Conflicts are recognized has “he/she problem or me problem” that doesn’t go anywhere without spirituality of the inner visionary to direct the purpose. Problem isn’t meant to be problem for weeks, months, years. Problem is for the mastery not for the self-destruct. What nourishes us is the inner child’s ability to learn, grow and excel. The problem within self is transformed into creative discovery for the inner child. It is a summoning of creativity that brings out the best in self and other. The goal in intimate relationship should be to bring the best out of the other. “To improve another is to be improved (Alan Watts).” We cannot improve another when we are atrophied inside, when our inner child’s spirituality of the inner visionary is unseen, unheard and unfelt because our childhood conflict keeps us weak. Childhood conflict is human condition. It reveals to the human soul the shame, emotional pain and feelings of not being good enough that MUST be revolutionized before authentic self can fully embody on Earth. Everyone MUST navigate the human condition and awaken, activate, repair and recover from inner child pain to excel beyond power struggle and levelup into creative discovery.
Practice of self––creativity, self-psychology and movement meditation is medicine for the inner child. The inner child in many adults is locked away as the adult's ridged, hard and lack mentality deceives self and lives disruptive seeking attention, love and “things” to fill in the void, low self esteem and lack of creativity. Creativity is singing, painting, writing, dancing, etc.  It is something that brings talent and craftmanship (to deserve) into our life. It provides self-knowledge. Self-psychology is contemplation, reflection, life review and reparenting of beliefs, patterns and subconscious wiring. It provides reinvention. Movement meditation is similar to somatic. It is releasing from the mind, body and energy attachments that place great restriction on our ability to heal and excel. It provides openness.
Practice of creativity can be a talent that brings the best out of us, maybe surfing, rock climbing, Hawaiian dance, something that ignites our human potential to excel in close connection with Earth. Practice of self-psychology can be a book study, meditation course, healing ritual, forest bathing, anything that brings natural philosophical, wise channel of thought or higher imagination to nourish our mind with masterful directional thoughts. Practice of movement meditation can be Kundalini Yoga, Somatic breathing, Tai Chi, Qigong, anything that awakens deeper energy, deeper breath and transformative experience within the physiology of self, breaking connections and reforming connections between body and mind for more creative positioning.
Overall, the inner child is our muse, our most inspired, enthusiastic and expansive version of self. The inner  child experienced in relationships brings out the best in ourselves and others because it provides creative discovery. When challenges arrive, which they always will, the inner child has creativity, self-psychology and movement meditation to reach spiritual victory. The reason many power struggles do not have spiritual victory is because the spirituality of the inner visionary is atrophied. The trigger comes and stagnates because there is no voice of reason to transform the patterns in self. People are walking around with triggers and are stagnate in a memory, past hurt, childhood trauma and blocked from their excellence because without intention, charisma and intuition creative discovery is looking at life through a pea hole to a door––we look but never open the door and step into our spirituality of the inner visionary. The inner child is spirituality of the inner visionary, a life force, mission and intention that gives us higher imagination. We need higher imagination to move beyond our shame, emotional pain and feelings of not being good enough to levelup from triggers that stagnate us from higher creativity. The human soul demands higher creativity but needs the inner child for intention, charisma and intuition. Human relationships want creative discovery, to learn, experience and serve higher love but need practice of self to give and take the masterful energies of self and other.