What is Mama Eartha???

Mama Eartha Awakens After Thousands of Years
Mama Eartha is the return of the matriarch. She is the messenger ignored, criticized and shamed. Her medicine was banned and her linage was destroyed. The patriarchal age was rough for all of us. The Dark Age began 5,500 years ago with the fall of human consciousness. During the Dark Age humanity lived unruly, harsh and aggressive. History erased the woman and replaced her with God and glory. Her medicine, teaching and divinity are near mute, hushed over the noise of God and glory. 12,000 years ago there was a matriarchal age. This is not documented in history text books because the matriarch doesn’t exist in patriarchal history. But, there are traces of her art, music, philosophy and culture buried underneath thick layers of God and glory.
Mama Eartha is returning. There is a gale of mysticism captivating us all. There is a deep desire for emotional fulfillment, good health and spiritual alchemy. Human wants to heal! The warlike Gods bred us to fight but now we are ready to put down our swords and seek elsewhere for council. As our technology progresses our desire for integrity and divinity intensifies. We do not want to live emotionally bankrupt anymore. We do not want to see women fall and a generation malnourished. We now understand it is the woman who leads creative destiny. Her feminine touch is interwoven within all innovation, creative expansion and visionary intention.
Mama Eartha gives us healing modalities. These healing modalities are meditation, Tai Chi, Qigong, Feng Shui, Kundalini Yoga, Reiki, Chinese medicine, Vedic healing and numerous more ancient sciences buried underneath the thick layers of God and glory. “God and me are one,” a statement from Yogi Bhajan explains the creative destiny of humanity. Humanity is beautiful but the battle is demanding. Empowerment is the future! Deconstruction of God and glory is not an attack but a renovation. The battle now turns within. We attacked each other long enough now we must turn within to find our emotional and spiritual strength.
Mama Eartha is the beacon many cannot sense. God was discrimination, hierarchical repression and brutal judgment. Glory was conquest, domination and aggressive competition. We have been tricked, fooled and foolish as we live unruly without sovereignty to guide. With the closure of the patriarchal age we are reentering the holy waters of our emotional and spiritual freedom. Women remember the ways of artistry without the suffering of God and the aggression of Glory. Women remember artistry of soul. Soulfulness saved our lives. Without its blues, invention and expansion we would not know victory to the battle. It is the teaching of soulful living that reforms stagnate, untidy and low vibrational patterns into sweat. The sweat of healing is the gift of Mama Eartha. It is transformation, manifestation and reinvention of human intention that is a muse. She is a muse in her solemn courage, honest radiance and resilient character. She teaches us how to live emotionally and spiritually gifted again.