The Patriarchal Age and the Aquarian Age

Heal the Patriarch and Matriarch
          Exiting the Patriarchal Age, we are experiencing major deconstruction of patriarch emotional/spiritual bankruptcy. The patriarchal linage created hierarchical repression, aggressive competition, religious oppression, indebted society and sovereignty violation. We carry the 14 generations of epigenetic code, 32,766 people within the patriarchal model. The Aquarian Age is offering expansion of culture and reform to the paradigm that governs the human concept. The Aquarian Age energizes and encourages humanity to evolve not through technology but through spirituality/creativity. Emotional/spiritual bankruptcy has lead to agitation, dysfunction and trauma within the patriarchal emotional/spiritual unfulfillment. We are being liberated, empowered and creatively charged by the Age of Innovation to revaluate and reform the habits, behaviors and attitude developed during the Patriarchal Age. The epigenetic code, 32,766 people within the patriarchal model, gives us weakness and strength. Our talent in the Aquarian Age is craftsmanship, the ability to rebuild our lives according to our driving life force for balance emotionally/spiritually as well as materially and mentally.
          Healing the patriarch starts with grief and acceptance. The hierarchical repression, aggressive competition, religious oppression, indebted society and sovereignty violation caused a lot of fear, irritation and trauma. The Aquarian Age brings depression. This is grief is encouraging humanity to awaken artistry. Artistry is the innovation that brings humanity out of emotional/spiritual bankruptcy into sovereign prosperity. Prosperity, abundance, creativity and divinity has been attacked, discouraged and disrupted by the patriarch. Men are trained to not express emotion, to be aggressive, egotistic and unruly. Women are trained to be submissive, emotionally dissatisfied, creatively suppressed and spiritually bound. This paradigm is international and being revolutionized through artistry. Artistry is breaking down stale tradition and remodeling the paradigm that governs human experience. No longer is human experience governed by patriarchal domination. Human experience is expanding beyond the ideology and doctrine of the Patriarchal Age. Human experience in the Aquarian Age is innovation, self expression, information, authenticity/honesty, alchemy to solve problems, healing (natural well-being) and mythology redefinition.
          The patriarch heals by using artistry to become more heartfelt and emotionally grounded, transforming aggressive competition into collaborative/ingenuous competition, finding contentment and security within the ego of integrity and deconstructing unruly/irresponsible/numb/selfish habit/behavior and establishing self harmony. The matriarch heals by using artistry to develop leadership, emotionally fulfillment, creative empowerment and spiritual mastery.
          The matriarch is atrophied. The Aquarian Age emphasizes matriarchal leadership to balance the scales. Women are being brought out of submission, emotional dissatisfaction and creative/spiritual neglect. Women are being awakened from their deep sleep. They are remembering the healing modalities locked away for thousands of years or misused for control and profit. Women are reinventing tradition through artistry and science. Women are the pioneers of the Aquarian Age. They are gaining strength, courage and liberty by shedding pounds of grief and refashioning their lives. Men are being awakened from their aggressive ego. They are learning humility, integrity and harmony. Men are reevaluating the habits, behaviors and life style they live by embracing emotional/spiritual fulfillment. Men are evolving beyond survival and profit and becoming more soulful and heartfelt. This is the evolution of the Aquarian Age.
          The Aquarian Age has recently begun. Time is moving quickly. Change is rapid. Deconstruction and reform is fast. It is absolutely necessary for a new culture to emerge out of the grief of the Patriarchal Age. The new culture is artistry and science in teamship. The new culture is innovation and creativity. The new culture is matriarchal influence and leadership. The healing of 32,766 people within 14 generations of weakness and strength is accomplished through the driving life force for human empowerment, renewable energy, economic balance and cultural rejuvenation.

Patriarch Healing
I Am humble and helpful!

Lakshman, Lakshman, Lakshman, Lakshman, Ong, Ong, Lakshman

I Am a heartfelt man with true north!

Matriarch Healing
I Am creative and emotionally balanced!

Har Haray Hari Wahe Guru

I Am a divine woman with empowered destiny!