Manifesting a Healthy Partnership Starts with Health

Choosing a Life Partner
    In my journey of self-love, I have chosen painful partnerships. I have chosen unreciprocated love because I did not feel worthy of reciprocity. I sacrificed my happiness to make the other happy. I received this pattern from childhood. Many women in my family, mother, grandmother and great grandmother, compromised their artistry, emotional fulfillment and creativity to satisfy the needs of a man. The women in my family had no discernment, boundaries or clarity. They gave themselves to men who did not cherish, preserve or help their artistry, emotional fulfillment and creativity.
I realize love should not cause pain, misery and suffering. I realize love is enjoyment. Of course, there are challenges and blessings but there is a mutual desire to be happy. Discernment and boundaries helped me to realize violation, avoidance and neglect isn’t what I want. Discernment and boundaries taught me to be clear and confident in what I need for balance. Without balanced partnership, love cannot find harmony. I learned balance in freedom. I learned balance in centering myself on artistry, emotional fulfillment and creativity that inspires, elevates and motivates me to be happy. Embracing authenticity and freedom, I began visualizing partnership that is respectful and generous. I began visualizing a partner who encourages artistry, emotional fulfillment and creativity.
The painful partnerships I experienced all had a theme. I was very expressive, open hearted, giving and loyal. These partners were disruptive, emotionally unstable and insecure due to reckless behavior. In contemplation, I discovered I am drawn to these partners because they mirror back to me childhood depression. Many women in my family carry depression from partnerships that were upsetting and disappointing. Subconsciously, my self-worth carries the grief of women who did not get what they  wanted or needed for artistry, emotional fulfillment and creativity. The grief played out through me. I found my artistry, emotional fulfillment and creativity disrupted and violated by these painful partnerships.
Healing the painful partnerships, I began to empower my artistry, emotional fulfillment and creativity by giving back major burdens taken on from partners and focusing on my happiness. In nurturing, caring and loving myself, I found discernment and boundaries to say NO to partnerships that do not cherish, preserve or support my artistry, emotional fulfillment and creativity. I am NOT a caretaker to a man like the women in my family are. I am woman! I am here to be radiant, free and authentic! Self-empowerment gave me the courage and confidence to believe in my life’s work and focus on that which inspires, elevates and motivates me to excel. In facing the mirror of childhood depression, I began to speak out to the self-neglect, self-hate, self-destruct, by summoning healing to the grief stored within my emotional body. My emotional body was disrupted by painful partnerships.
My emotional body was violated by partners who did not support balance. I looked at my childhood depression and spoke, “I am worthy of harmony and balance within my own artistry, emotional fulfillment and creativity! I am worthy of reciprocity!” The childhood depression brought up the memories of women who did not feel worthy of artistry, emotional fulfillment and creativity and dwelled in partnerships that did not fed their artistry, emotional fulfillment and creativity. I saw the stagnancy of my low self-worth and the restriction on my artistry, emotional fulfillment and creativity. In taking full responsibility for my childhood depression, I began to accept and embrace discernment and boundaries to help me take care of myself. I learned the pain in these partnerships stem from not being supported and respected for my artistry, emotional fulfillment and creativity. Once I began to respect my artistry, emotional fulfillment and creativity I started to clear away all partnerships that cause me to dwell in burdens belonging to a partnership that doesn’t support clarity.
I create discernment and boundaries list to bring clarity and positive direction to my partnerships…
1)    Partnership inspires me!
2)    Partnership balances me!
3)    Partnership provides for me!
4)    Partnership supports me!
Stating 4 discernment helps me to take care of me.
1)    I respect my freedom!
2)    I respect constructive expression!
3)    I respect loyalty!
4)    I respect honesty!
Stating 4 clear boundaries helps me to focus on what I need to feel safe and open hearted.

Developing discernment and boundaries in my daily practice of looking in the mirror and facing my wants and needs, I move beyond childhood depression by taking care of my artistry, emotional fulfillment and creativity. This practice gives me clarity and helps me to get REAL with myself! In return, I come across clear to a partner and REAL about the partnership for me and not for me. In taking care of me, I do not take on burdens, indulge in confusion or participate in false partnerships that bring weakness to my life. Any partnership that brings weakness to our life is not a partnership of discernment and boundaries. Relationships bring reassurance, strength to the life. Once I entrust myself in enjoyable partnerships, I realize artistry, emotional fulfillment and creativity is my strength to offer in partnership. We take care of ourselves to give strength to love. When we don't take care of ourselves we give weakness to love.

What is your living empowered/authentic code that leads your happiness?
Mine is artistry, emotional fulfillment and creativity. This authentic code nourishes, feeds and inspires me to live empowered. Once we find our living empowered code/authentic code we are able to trace the wellness or lack their of in our family and look into the mirror and summon reality quantum leaps to any cold depression that may cause us to dwell, settle or involve ourselves in low energy partnerships. Partnership is to move, reassure and evolve. But, partnerships need clarity, real discussion without weakness, clear discernment and boundaries to help us decide the creative mission of the partnership and higher love to excel.