26 Personalities Give us 26 Tools to Solving Life

26 Personalities
          We have 26 personalities to our united sound current. Each personality offers us a tool, medicine, talent to solving challenges and unblocking pathways to victory. Here are 26 personalities, starting with the inner child. Everything revolves around the inner child. The inner child sets the rhythm. However, when the inner child is disconnected from the personalities, 26 personalities lose their rhythmic intelligence and begin to wander, default and take on concepts that are not filtered properly and lose their transformative sovereignty.
Inner child–Authentic personality
Childhood–Self esteem personality
Environment–Observer personality
Father–Responsible personality
Mother–Self-care personality
Manifestation–Healing personality
Soul–Liberated personality
Ego–Consolidated personality
Persona–Protective personality
Subconscious–Unknown personality
Negative Mind–Resolving personality
Positive Mind–Intention personality
Neutral Mind–Meditate personality
Evolutionary–Fearless personality
Physical–Sensitive personality
Emotional–Receptive personality
Energetic–Subtle personality
Relationship–Service personality
Earth–Experienced personality
Jupiter–Expanded personality
Mars–Commanding personality
Neptune–Vision personality
Saturn–Discipline personality
Uranus–Revolutionary personality
Mercury–Inner communication personality
Venus–Self-worth personality
          26 personalities are created from past life or soul blueprint (revealed in natal chart), childhood (0-9), parents or care takers, environment (belief systems) and personal will. The planets reveal our incarnational personalities coming into this life and transformation we agree to fulfill. Inner child, childhood, environment, father, mother, manifestation, soul, ego, persona, subconscious, negative mind, positive mind, neutral mind, evolutionary, physical, emotional, energetic, relationship are personalities we integrate through meditative participation or involuntary based on lack of meditative participation. Overall, every personality is a layer to our sound current. Each personality protects our authentic code and structures our ability to be authentic. However, these personalities wander, default and take on concepts that are not filtered properly without the transformative sovereignty the inner child demands. The inner child’s person is freedom, self-expression and creativity. The inner child is most honest, most direct and most expansive. When there is a disconnect to our authentic rhythm we do not know our expansion, miracle and wise opportunity and fit the wander, default and concepts that are floating, waiting to be taken on. The only way to fit the truest personality, inner child, we must dedicate the life force towards freedom, self-expression and creativity. This gives connection, meditation and honest communication through a proper filter that is not influenced, attached or disrupted by wander, default and conceptual personalities based on distrust, low self esteem and fractured identity.
          The authentic code is human mission and 26 personalities are tools, talents and composers to help us generate, organize and destroy or deliver victory in the total self which consists of all personalities untied under the inner child’s rhythmic consistency interwoven in all 26 personalities. The womb, reproductive system, is the home of the inner child. The naval is the proper filter for the inner child. The heart is the broadcast of the inner child. The mind is the tunnel for the inner child. The physical body is the instrument for the inner child. Radiance is the beacon for the inner child. Power is the resource for the inner child. The spirit is the conjure of the inner child.  The emotions are the integrity of the inner child. Human sensitivity is the awareness of inner child. But, there is no rhythmic consistency interwoven in all 26 personalities when the body, mind, spirit organization is misappropriated, misunderstood, misaligned and missing proper filter. The inner child is the soul’s mantra that provides proper filter but when it is deconstructed soul’s mantra fades and social, religious, parental, ancestral, economic, ideology, ethnicity, etc. becomes the dominate personality. This personality never fulfills the freedom, self-expression and creativity of the inner child and leaves us at odds or conflict within ourselves.