Raising Children

Freedom to Excel
Children are very intuitive! They are open minded, clear headed and confident. Until, they take on the fashion of their parents and/or caretakers. Children want to be talented and gifted. They view purpose or responsibility as creative destiny. They want to express their emotions and divinity. Creativity is their primary focus because they know the challenges of life require a tool. Naturally, children have high self esteem. Until, the fashion of their parents and/or caretakers weighs them down with BS, “belief systems” regarding religion, sex, age, ideology, status quo, tradition and persona. Children are not the generation before them or the burdens without release or reform. They are pioneers, the revaluation and reform to culture!
Freedom to excel is a parent who gives to their child. A child wants the gift of craftsmanship, to build something with their own hands. Creativity teaches them constructive action, corrective responsibility and creative solution. Children don’t want parents to “buy” them the world. Children don’t want to “suffer” the world either. Children want to explore and develop their natural talents and gifts. Children discover their talents and gifts involved in creative activities that encourage integrity, leadership and self-trust. Many children grow up with a parent that “buys” them the world or “suffer” the world alongside their parents and/or caretakers who have no enthusiasm but unattended burdens. They do not know craftsmanship. Therefore, they do not have a character but a persona. Persona is the adult without self-expression built from self-trust. Character forms through creative activities that evolve a person beyond contrast, compete and compare. BS is full of contrast, compete and compare. A maturing child wants to learn integrity, leadership and self-trust to navigate the challenges and blessings of life with a “good head on his/her shoulders.” Craftsmanship trains self-responsibility and creative innovation. A child enjoys the voyage of creativity because it sheds persona and unravels artistry.
When a parent gives the child artistry a child has a tool or many tools for their life’s journey. Creative activities at a young age, enthusiasm from the parents and craftsmanship brought into study, education and problem solving supports worthiness. The persona of entitlement, “I have suffered,” the persona of ego, “I avoid my feelings,” and the persona of imposter, “I do not like myself,” all come from an unworthy place. A person does not feel worthy to excel without fine artistry because without fine artistry there is only contrast, compete and compare. A child doesn’t want to play the game of “I vs. You” or “I distrust You.” A child wants discernment. The game of contrast, compete and compare is manipulation, seduction and dishonesty. We do not accept, respect or honor ourselves. Therefore, we sell ourselves. We are not to sell our character. We are to sell our artistry! Our talent and gift is for sale not our self-worth. But, as long as children are raised to excel in persona instead of artistry children feel unworthy to think, feel and embody what is visionary. A visionary has vision, intention and creative expression. A child has vision, intention and creative expression but for many it is deprogrammed or discouraged by BS that feeds same/same repeat and not artistry to evolving culture.
A parent is the first muse to the child. A child soaks up the thinking, feeling and embodiment of the parents. Until, he/she has her/his footing in life, which happens very quickly depending on how helpful the parent is during pregnancy. A helpful parent during pregnancy trains the child for life. A helpful parent gives to the unborn child wealth and richness of creativity for the child to have tools. Freedom to excel is the parent who offers their artistry, mastery and enthusiasm for life. A child given character from the creative activities that challenge and bless a child is empowered to win not for the contrast, compete and compare but for the integrity, leadership and self-trust that lives with a tool to rewrite foolishness based on low self-worth into creative worth. “I respect and honor my creative choices because it gives me enthusiasm and vision. Enthusiasm and vision is my creative destiny beyond the BS. It is my courage, compassion and character I learn through the ethic/value I give to my artistry.” Artistry teaches skill, honesty and consistency that train a child to have discernment and self-trust.