Heal the Inner Child

Healing the Inner Child
Healing the inner child is a journey of full acceptance and responsibility for the emotional/spiritual fulfillment and the expression of talent. The inner child is our radiance, joy and gratitude. It is our haven, home and place of safety. The world is rough on the inner child. Our inner child is damaged by self-hate from childhood belittlement, negative influences and dysfunctional environments that are aggressive and harsh. Authentic, bold and clear expression of divinity, inspiration and freedom is through the glow of the inner child.
The inner child is cold! We live cold! We are unavailable to the participation of life and make excuses, dwell and stagnate our journey of full acceptance because we lack the creative edge. The inner child is the creative edge, the divine inspiration, the problem solver and the expander that moves us to be greater and better, more refined and excellent. Awakening the inner child starts with grief. We must learn breath to the unknot the chills and sweat the rigidness, tightness and seriousness soft. Breath with expressive movement (psychological artistry) awakens motivation and enthusiasm which dethaws our frozen emotions, bound memories and locked fears helping us to shed the crusty self.
Why is it important to heal the inner child? The inner child is our liberation, muse, voice of reason and honest code. Children are relentlessly honest and pioneers of a new culture. They have fantastic self esteem unaltered by parents and caretakers until they are told who they are and what they offer isn't "good" enough. They contract their wings and settle into contrast, compete and compare society norms that teach them crusty self. They lose their soulful funk because they do not want creative edge.  They think creative edge cannot "fit" inside the regressed and depressed conventions of life. They are presented burdens and weak possibility and begin to shape their strong possibility into the liking of their elders but they are not elders. They are the natural science that revaluates, reforms and refines tradition. As we move towards the future, creative edge is more important than regurgitate crusty ideology. The inner child is the soul's powerhouse. It is the place where we transform commotion and suffering into unbroken self-trust, self-acceptance and self-other dharmic collaboration. It helps us release burdens and live in divine timing with our vision of psychological healing and material beauty. Through psychological artistry, which is a form of body/mind celebration, determination and passion/concentration that awakens spiritual as well as metaphysical intentions, manifestations and aspirations, we embody an authentic code.

The inner child is a reminder that we have something to learn, study and excel in that brings emotional/spiritual fulfillment that helps us evolve wiser and more talented/gifted with time and space. The inner child is the creator to beautiful and visionary seeds of life. The inner child is craftmanship, skill, trade and soul gift that helps us build a facility of artistry on Earth. However, the patriarchal monarchy was rough! Religion is rough! Ideology is rough! Culture is rough! But, the destructive pressure can be beat with greater pressure from our divine will to set free the caged inner child and begin training our broken, atrophied or weak wings into empirical eagles able to grab life with clear 20/20 intuitive vision and excellent self-trust, confidence and assured beauty.

1)    Embrace emotions
Holding onto emotions blocks the flow and keeps us from sovereignty, dignity and self-expression. Let it out and move emotions into creative direction.
2)    Somatic shake (breathe, stretch, dance and chant)
The body and mind need freedom. Do not cage or swell the body and mind. Teach the body and mind celebration, determination and passion and let free the exuberance and authenticity through expressive movement (psychological artistry).
3)    Play without attachment (learn, study, get involved, participate)
Eliminate the excess (material and spiritual stagnancy) and tidy the home, daily activity, life style and environment with soulful funk (material and spiritual circulation, rotation). Tap into the fearlessness, tolerance and appreciation. Give to yourself heartfelt nourishment!