Medicine Woman

Medicine of the Old Soul
Artistry is medicine! Artistry carves out culture. Culture is fed by artistry but without emotional and spiritual compassion we are grieving. Humanity grieves! Humanity is confused! We carry belief systems separating manifestation from our divine will. Our power is weak because we have no depth but attachment. Creativity is the highest expression. Creativity is ambitious, bold and wise. It gives us a chance to transform. Artistry is our way of healing but guilt and shame belittles us all. We settle, dwell and age with time. Our exuberance and passion is our medicine. Medicine is joy we believe is irrelevant and atrophy over time.
Medicine woman is a teacher, guide and guardian. She is supremely gifted at emotional and spiritual empowerment. She extends this artistry to others for beauty to prevail over guilt and shame. When we see a person transform victimization into liberation, shame into compassion, bad decisions into creative devotion we sense healing. The patriarchal age denies such healing. Joy does not have value in the material world. Emotional and spiritual empowerment does not have value in the material world. Artistry does not have value in the material world. Medicine woman reminds us the spiritual and material world live in collaboration. We can disconnect, disrupt and disjoint our heart from mind but survival and profit does not breed human to be talented or gifted.
Medicine woman is craftsmanship, concentration and meditation. She is expressive, sincere and warm hearted because she honors emotional and spiritual freedom as contentment to the material world and prosperity that is without low integrity or aggression. Her healing modalities are an old soul, an ancient practice of cultivating higher enthusiasm for death and life because without an energetic participation there is no talent to build life.
Medicine woman is healing of the heart and purification of the mind for our natural talents and gifts to seed our lives with natural beauty that comes from our creative destiny. Creative destiny is medicine to our grief and confusion. Creative destiny leads us into knowledge. We want richness and the medicine woman offers richness but this wealth is formed from the emotional and spiritual empowerment. We can build life around our low self esteem and emotional pain but material needs spiritual for it to be beautiful. Medicine woman inspires us through her artistry to learn authentic, talented and healing beauty as the finest riches.