Your Weekly Routine of Earth Power

Magical Week
            The days of the week bring medicine to our spiritual victory. Let us discover how to best cultivate the days of the week.
Saturday is Saturn day. Saturn’s medicine offering is productivity, discipline and completion. This is a day to focus, strive and reach excellence. Sunday is Sun day. Sun’s medicine offering is radiance, energy and enthusiasm. This is a day of positive self-concept, playful approach and enjoyment. Monday is Moon day. Moon's medicine offering is intuition, emotional balance and deep care. This is a day of contemplation, self-love/self-care and inner child intimacy. Tuesday is Mars day. Mars' medicine offering is passion, life-force and willpower. This is a day to create, create, create and stand up for our mission on Earth. Wednesday is Mercury day. Mercury's medicine offering is insight, instinct and innovation. This is a day to enhance our communication skills, study subjects that expand our mind and reprogram/reparent our habits, behaviors and thought patterns with self-psychology. Thursday is Jupiter day. Jupiter's medicine offering is sense of dedication, higher imagination and progress in talent. This is a day to visualize, journal, make vision boards and practice the art of manifestation, awareness and meditation. Friday is Venus day. Venus' medicine offering is luxury, sensuality and earthy feelings. This is a day of beauty, fertility/artistry and self expression.
We can align our routine, weekly cycle, with the natural cycle of Earth by scheduling our projects, pursuits, endeavors and activities with the power surges that activate, stimulate and develop areas within our human design. Our human design is meant to experience Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn for our spiritual victory. The planets orbit us bringing deeper energy but to better receive the download, upgrade, shift and transformation of each passing day, passing planet we need intention and concentration.
Monday let’s concentrate on relaxation, self-care and emotional healing. Tuesday let’s concentrate on being creative, standing up for our destiny and using an exercise practice to release built-up emotion, tense and inner agitation/self-aggression. Wednesday let’s concentrate on studying new subjects and refining our mind by learning something that expands our ideas, understanding and beliefs. Thursday let’s concentrate on prosperity by devoting our energy to visualizing our future self and working on our talents and gifts with total fulfillment. Friday let’s concentrate on cleaning and reorganizing our space (mind/body/spirit/environment, art making, connection to nature and femininity. Saturday let’s concentrate on completing goals, delegating goals, organization of finance and masculinity. Sunday let’s concentrate on play, laughter and enjoyment through participating in recreational activities.
This is a basic plan to better support your alchemy on planet Earth. You can organize your weekly flow to follow the Earth power activations to best amplify, broadcast and refine the total areas of self, which include Monday (Moon Magic=self-love), Tuesday (Fire of Desire=Creativity, Balancing Inner Destroyer, Wednesday (Mercury Language=Self-Psychology), Thursday (Jupiter Expansion=Activate the Future Self by Visualizing Most Clearly), Friday (Venus Opening=Listen to the Earth by Cultivating Intuition), Saturday (Saturn Arrival=Executive Mind of Bright Ideas) and Sunday (Sun of Authenticity=Self-Admiration through Bold, Fearless Living).